Program 1: Deepening Relationships in Playback Theatre. November 9-12 2018. Katoomba

On November 9 participants from Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Bellingen, Taree, Sydney, Katoomba, Hobart, Wellington and Singapore gathered at the Karuna conference centre 2 hours west of Sydney. For the next three days under the guidance of Peter Hall and Johanna De Ruyter the group explored the deep relationships at the heart of Playback theatre. They connected, re-connected, worked, laughed, cried, ate, sang and immersed themselves in playback.

We invite you to watch a video of our collective experience.

Reflections from participants of the first program.

“I feel the program gave me ample time to understand and experience the deepening of relationships intrinsic to the work of Playback.”

“The activities did definitely direct me and probably all of us into a deeper connection with ourselves and each other. … The conducting 'coaching' was done really well in that Peter took such loving care with each volunteer and gave good directions and side coaching, interruptions were good.”

“For me part of deepening relationships is the opportunity to be with people, to continue the conversations, to raise issues and to challenge each other. ”

“I am still feeling the impact of the program 5 weeks later and am already incorporating my learning into my own practice and performance.”

“The program impacted me by taking me to a place where I could feel confident as an actor and know how to increase that.”

“… I was looking for some confirmation of my skills and qualities as well as a branching back into the play back community. Both of these goals were met. I felt seen and appreciated and I was stretched especially in the acting..”

Click on the gallery to see them all

Co-ordinating Committee

This first program was hosted and coordinated by Sydney Playback (Michael Pooley, Johanna De Ruyter, Thanassis Boulis) with assistance from Peter Hall (Leura, NSW - not currently in a company) Claire Hewitt (Wellington, New Zealand - not currently in a company) and Arlene Quinn (Perth Playback)


Program 2: Intention and Purpose on the Playback Stage. July 5-8 2019. Brisbane

Given the impact of the first program the coordinating committee for the second program decided to ask Peter and Johanna to build further onto the work they began in Katoomba and deliver a second program. This attracted participants from Darwin, Brisbane, Red Thread Stories, Sydney, Out of the Box, Canberra and Hobart. Peter and Johanna guided us through exploring what motivates and drives us on stage, what supports us and what gets in the way.

Reflections from participants of the second program.

“It met all I had hoped for - meeting new people, great conversations, new ideas and some opportunities to play and do playback. I feel I am more connected to the PT community and am keen to keep in contact with people.”

“Strong focus on acting which I enjoyed and the group was collaborative and supportive.”

“After 16 years of playback I finally feel like I am a real playback practitioner. I jumped to a new level of awareness when on stage and was able to identify the “truth of the story” and speak it from role. Also felt confident when conducting for the first time in terms of managing the warm up, transitions, wrap up and finding the thread.”

“… the process of asking that question before and after enactments about what is your purpose and how did you go. This needs to become much more a conscious part of my practice so that eventually it becomes unconscious.”

Co-ordinating Committee

This second program was hosted and coordinated by Brisbane Playback (Neil Simmons and Sandra Collins) with assistance from Peter Hall (Leura, NSW) Sara Scrutton (Darwin) and Michael Pooley (Sydney)

Program 3: Online. Diverse dimensions.

Given the impact of the first program the coordinating committee for the second program decided to ask Peter and Johanna to build further onto the work they began in Katoomba and deliver a second program. This attracted participants from Darwin, Brisbane, Red Thread Stories, Sydney, Out of the Box, Canberra and Hobart. Peter and Johanna guided us through exploring what motivates and drives us on stage, what supports us and what gets in the way.